Have Your Say Today - The O2 Masterplan Site Planning Application
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O2 Masterplan Site

Ref. 2022/0528/P

Decision issued



The O2 Masterplan Site, Finchley Road


5.495 ha






132410 m2(excl residential)

Detailed planning permission for Development Plots N3-E, N4, and N5 including demolition of existing above ground structures and associated works, and for residential development (Class C3) and commercial, business and service (Class E) uses in Development Plot N3-E, residential development (Class C3) and local community (Class F2) and commercial, business and service (Class E) uses in Development Plot N4, and residential development (Use Class C3) and commercial, business and service uses (Class E ) uses in Development Plot N5 together with all landscaping, public realm, cycle parking and disabled car parking, highway works and infrastructure within and associated with those Development Plots. Outline planning permission for Development Plots N1, N2, N3, N6, N7 ,S1 and S8 including the demolition of all existing structures and redevelopment to include residential development (Class C3) commercial, business and service uses (Class E), sui generis leisure uses (including cinema and drinking establishments) together with all landscaping, public realm, cycle parking and disabled car parking, highway works and infrastructure within and associated with those Development Plots.